May 07, 2018

What are the options?

best kitten food

It may seem that the choice of feed for some kittens is huge and it is not easy to understand. But whatever the lifestyle and health of your kitten, you will easily find food that suits him.

Kittens' food is characterized by the high protein content necessary for the growth of your pet, as well as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and iron, which strengthen the bones and teeth of the kitten.

In case there are no medical contraindications, the final choice of dry or soft fodder for the kitten is yours (and, of course, for your furry friend).

Dry food

Dry food is easy to weigh and use; In addition, in comparison with soft food, it retains its food characteristics in an unpacked form much longer.

Dry food also helps to keep the kitten's teeth healthy. Your pet will be forced to chew more actively dry food, which will help him get rid of plaque.

As a rule, dry food consists of small pads, which are easily chewed and swallowed by kittens.

Using dry food, you can measure to your pet exactly the amount of food that it needs - no more or less.

Wet food

Some kittens prefer the smell and taste of wet food, as it is more aromatic and at the same time much more gentle when chewing, than the standard dry food.

The additional convenience of using soft food is that it can be delivered in a portioned package so that your kitten will always enjoy the freshest and delicate food.

Wet food provides the kitten with an additional fluid intake.

Now PURINA® is one of the leaders in the field of pet food production and produces several dry and soft feeds for kittens, each of which is the product of the latest scientific developments, which successfully achieve the advantage in the quality, taste and nutritional value of our products. Any owner will be able to find a suitable kind of kitten food, regardless of the age and lifestyle of your pet!

How to feed the kitten properly?

Habits play a special role in the life of kittens, so it is necessary to accustom your pet as quickly as possible to the strict routine of the day.

Try to feed the kitten at the same time, choosing for this a quiet, calm and secluded place, located as far as possible from the tray.

For feeding, select a surface that is easy to clean, or use a special kit for feeding kittens. Use only clean dishes, because kittens are, in fact, very demanding creations. Some people prefer shallow bowls or saucers, and the use of such dishes will help to slow down the process of food intake, which is extremely important for active and fussy kittens who eat too fast.

If you live at home several kittens, make sure that their bowls are separated and do not stand side by side, this will help you avoid conflicts between pets. In the event that the kittens do not get along with each other, it will be necessary to organize for them feeding in different places of the house.

Bio: I am Annie R.Payne this Fluffy kitty blog is all about the pets as I am totally in love with pets blogs. I am dedicating this blog all the pet lovers in the world. My aim is to provide reliable pets news sources to the pet lovers. It includes pets in the media, product recalls, news-worthy events, celebrity pets, any news about domestic animals.

Posted by: rachelwalker at 12:55 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Kitten Diet

How to change the diet of your kitten?

The digestive system of the kitten can be very sensitive, so change the diet should only in extreme cases, so as not to harm the baby's stomach. In order for your pet to remain happy and healthy, one should adhere to the diet to which the kitten has already got used to from the previous owner or in the cat shelter - of course, provided that the food is balanced and contains a sufficient amount of nutrients. If your cat is unwell, suddenly loses its appetite or starts eating less than usual, you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

If the veterinarian still advises you to change the diet of the kitten, remember that you need to do this gradually so as not to harm the digestive system of the animal. Below are a few tips to help you with this.

Put before the kitten the old and new feed in different bowls so that he can try each of them.

After the kitten is trying out new food, add a little new food to the bowl with the old one.

Within 7-10 days, gradually increase the amount of new feed and reduce the amount of the old one until your pet goes to the new diet completely. Do not hurry and remember that in some cases it may take more time!

If the diet of a kitten should be changed for medical reasons, consult a veterinarian about when and how it is best done.

If you transfer the kitten from soft to dry food, remember that your pet will have to more actively chew food, which means that he needs more water. Perhaps, the kitten will eat food not at once, but for several approaches. Dry food gives more energy than soft, so when switching to wet food, you may need to increase the serving size in order to maintain the number of calories consumed by the kitten. And do not forget: regardless of the age of your pet in its bowl, there should always be enough fresh and clean drinking water.

When to start feeding the kitten food intended for adult cats?

At the age of 6-8 months, kittens can look older, but inside they are still babies. Their bones still get stronger, they continue to gain weight. Feed them with a special nutritious food designed specifically for kittens, until reaching about 12 months - the age when the pet will be able to easily go on to adult food.


The method of proper feeding depends on the chosen food, needs and eating behavior of the animal, as well as on the owner's capabilities. Often kittens prefer to feed in plenty - to avoid underfeeding and a sharp expansion of the stomach when feeding on the regime. This is recommended for about 5 months. If nevertheless to observe a mode of portioning feeding, it is recommended to feed kittens up to 6 months 3-4 times a day. Kittens older than 6 months can already manage and two-time feeding, although you can feed 3 times a day and an adult cat.

If the kitten's weight is insufficient or excessive, the feeding method is changed. To feed kittens with exhaustion is recommended in plenty, and at excess weight access to a forage is limited, observing the daily norm.

Posted by: rachelwalker at 12:50 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 560 words, total size 5 kb.

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